what was stanislavsky’s most lasting contribution to the craft of acting?
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Jersey's shipbuilding industry The barque Fleur de Maurice, 317 tons, in an unidentified port. Built 1864 by Clarke, Jersey. Owners: Fr Carrell and Company, Jersey 1864-1870. July 1876 J Walker and Son, registered Port Adelaide. Wrecked when crossing the bar at Port Natal, S Africa, 5 April 1894. Appointment of photograph circa 1880 |
Like dwellers by the body of water all over the globe, Jerseymen take always been sailors, but history is well-nigh completely blank on one aspect of this ocean-roving community - who built their ships, and where?
A large vessel existence built at West Park
14th century onwards
Information technology is obvious that fifty-fifty in quite early times they would have congenital their own small angling craft, for fifty-fifty the virtually primitive peoples practise this today. Information technology is a dissimilar job altogether to build a transport of 40 tons or more, which we know that they possessed at least equally early as the 14th century, for on more than one occasion Edward Iii ordered the Channel Islands as a whole to send ships of this size to join in military machine convoys during the period of the Hundred Years War. By the end of the 16th century Jerseymen were journey regularly in their own vessels to the cod banks of North America, which they continued to practice correct up to the commencement of the nowadays century.
The offset men to accept crossed the North Atlantic regularly were the Norsemen, who by the end of the 14th century were making periodic trips to Greenland, where they had an established settlement, and who are reputed to have travelled fifty-fifty further due west on occasions to the somewhat inhospitable coasts of Labrador. It is interesting to find that the first men to utilise the Newfoundland cod banks regularly for fishing, early in the 16th century, if not earlier, were the fishermen of Normandy and Brittany. The banks were first reported by John Cabot in 1497, who had sailed from Bristol on a voyage of exploration. (Cabot, incidentally, was the son of a Venetian, and not a Jerseyman as has occasionally been suggested). The fact that the Normans seem to have taken to visiting Newfoundland regularly at such an early appointment in much greater numbers than the English, whose discovery it was, may be explained in that they were the direct descendants of those ocean-roving Norsemen who had so oftentimes raided the Channel coasts in the ninth and tenth centuries. They were a race of fearless seafaring men, and undoubtedly they would have known all about the journeys made by their kinsmen to Greenland. Thus to them Cabot would take only opened upward a new route to the west, which they were not wearisome to follow.
Terre Neuve
Then far we accept no proof of Aqueduct Islanders beingness among these very early visitors to Terre Neuve, as it has been known locally e'er since, just it seems highly probable that they were no slower than their contemporaries across the bay at St Malo and the other small ports along the coast. G F B de Gruchy makes a strong claim that the inhabitants of the Channel Islands are besides direct descendants of these aforementioned Norsemen, and information technology is noteworthy that on more than i occasion Channel Islanders and Frenchmen angling off the coasts of North America have been described indicriminately equally 'Normans'.
There seem to exist no records extant of whatever sort of shipbuilding taking place in Bailiwick of jersey in medieval times, but fifty-fifty if we choose to doubt the argument that our ancestors were probably visiting Newfoundland within a decade or so of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, we know for certain that they were doing so during the 16th century. In that location is a volition in existence fabricated in 1582 which refers specifically to a Jersey-owned vessel 'now unloading after her voyage to Newfoundland' and in 1618 the Privy Council had to direct the Governor not to allow stores from the castles to exist sold to the Newfoundland fishers, every bit the depletion of these stores was likely to imperil the inhabitants in times of emergency.
Thus we are at present faced with the trouble of the origin of these locally-owned ships, which would have been of a size somewhere in the region of 100 tons. It would be easy to take for granted that they were bought outside the island, but in that location are sound reasons for disputing such a suggestion. The inhabitants had been angling for centuries, and must take had considerable experience in the construction of small angling vessels. Whatever suggestion that they also purchased these small angling boats is quite unthinkable when ane considers the facts of medieval life. In that location was, close to hand, ample quantities of forest from which small boats could be quickly fabricated, for the island was fairly well wooded, and fishermen at that time would take had almost no coin with which they could make such a purchase. Information technology seems reasonable to assume, therefore, that in the very early times they would have occasionally made some endeavour to build a larger vessel when this was required, and only through trial and error over the centuries would have discovered what pitfalls to avoid, fifty-fifty if they knew little of real design.
Havre des Pas shipyards
Mont Orgueil
The first actual mention we take of the construction of a boat is in 1468, when Mont Orgueil Castle, occupied past Lancastrian supporters, was existence besieged by a small armada nether the direction of the Yorkist Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Harliston. The occupants of the Castle are described as building a boat in total view of the besiegers, merely i day an pointer fired from the Castle was institute to acquit a annotation from a Jerseyman who was working there, stating that they were in fact building two boats. The 1 on view was only a decoy - the other was nearly gear up for use. Needless to say it was captured every bit soon as information technology was launched.
Elisha Tupper
There follows a lapse of nearly three centuries earlier our adjacent reference, when Falle mentions that "most forest (in Jersey) is knotty, but hither and there sticks are constitute fit for the building of practiced ships". It is reasonable to take this equally meaning that these 'sticks' were actually used for the building of such ships, just we have another wait of over fifty years before we again find a direct description of a send existence built. This time, however, the prove points very strongly indeed to the fact that Jerseymen were already well-versed in the construction of quite large vessels, for the Gazette de l'Ile de Jersey records the building of the 280 ton Elisha Tupper at Bel Regal in 1789.
This was congenital in the parish of St Lawrence from oak grown in that parish, and information technology was owned by the Janvrin family, who were at that time the aircraft magnates of the island, owning several vessels. The newspaper contains a glowing account of this venture, referring to the forthcoming launching on the following Monday, and stating that enough extra oak was cut on this occasion to build a somewhat smaller ship and a small-scale boat. It goes on: "The principal inhabitants of St Lawrence say that in spite of the quantity of oak that was cut down on this occasion, at that place is yet, in that parish, more one hundred times equally much, fit to fell, if it is non to die of old historic period".
The writer then goes on to merits that the other parishes are all equally well wooded, and though such a argument is obviously an exaggeration, specially in view of Falle's statement but 50 years earlier, information technology seems that Jersey was beginning to consider seriously the possibilities of setting up a permanent shipbuilding industry. It must also exist remembered that this was the era of civil mayhem and revolution all over Europe, with consequent dislocation of normal trading, and this was therefore probably built to confirm that Jersey grown timber would be satisfactory if other sources of supply were closed. It is interesting to note that this particular send was named later a prominent Guernsey merchant of the time. Was it at his proposition? Was he a partner in the venture? Who knows?
In many places, and notably in the West of England, information technology was customary for teams of shipwrights to travel to any place where a vessel was wanted, and build it on the about convenient embankment to paw. This method, like a modern builder hired to build your house for you lot, connected at that place from medieval times well into the 19th century. It is likely that this may besides have applied to the Channel Islands, though owing to difficulties and expenses incurred in travelling, nosotros may accept to wait for some more local method. Equally I have said earlier, it was quite possible to detect the right fashion to build simply by a slow process of trial and fault, but a marriage of these ii systems would be a simple matter, in that where a large vessel, requiring some specialised knowledge, was to be built, a small team of expert shipwrights might exist hired, acting as foremen over the less experienced local men. This is, as yet, a affair for conjecture, but information technology would explain the seeming full absence of any permanent shipyard in Bailiwick of jersey until the 1820s.
It is, incidentally, also for this same reason that it is and then hard to detect whatever archaelogical proof of medieval shipbuilding in many countries. Not only were there no permanent shipyards, except in one or ii rare instances, but whatsoever traces may have been left in well-nigh places would take been lost in the tides long since.
The barque Kassa, 287 tons. Built in 1868 by Esnouf and Mauger, Jersey. Owners: Edward Esnouf, registered Jersey. 1873 William Wells, registered Port Adelaide. July 1874 William Lee Murrell, registered Melbourne. January 1877 Robert Harper. December 1883 ET Miles (of Hobart). November 1884 TM Fisher and others, registered Hobart. Date of photograph circa 1900
American construction
However, some other fact has recently come up to my notice which would appear to explain even more decidedly the lack of yards in Jersey until this appointment. The Bailiwick of jersey Register of Shipping, commencing at 1801, shows at the very commencement a substantial number of locally-owned ships to have been built in 'British Plantations', or in Northward America. It is a known fact that later on, during nearly of the 19th century, it was normal practice for Jersey firms operating in North America and Newfoundland to send their retained men out to the forests during the winter months, when fishing was not possible. There they would cut down trees in some creek or a short style up river, and use them to build the small schooners which were used on the Banks during the residuum of the year. Many of the schooners were built this way, and it would therefore seem from these registers that this was a custom of some duration, and that some of the local firms which had been established in the New World since the early on part of the 18th century had been building their own ships for many years, non in Jersey, merely in North America and Newfoundland.
I have non yet been able to make whatsoever extensive search into this question, but there are at least three pointers to its probable truth:
- The nigh complete absence of whatsoever reference to shipbuilding in Jersey itself, despite the big number of ships owned here
- The fact that while there was not a great deal of woods in Jersey suitable for shipbuilding (with apologies to the writer in the Gazette) there were enormous forests in Canada and Newfoundland growing almost to the water's border, and which in the 18th century at least must have been virtually complimentary for the taking.
- The spare labour available through the winter months, as mentioned above, due to the fact that information technology was customary to indenture certain types of labour for a term of years (usually v) in the New World. This saved the companies the cost (and take a chance) of transporting numerous men there and dorsum each year, and too ensured a permanent staff in a way that would non have been possible with seasonal labour.
In that location has besides been discovered in Newfoundland the remains of a shipyard which has not been used for some centuries. Co-ordinate to the local legend, Jerseymen fix upwardly this 1000 as far back as the 16th century, simply as no existent archaeological survey has notwithstanding been made of this site, we shall have to await such a development earlier nosotros can have the legend every bit fact.
New markets
As the cod-line-fishing trade expanded so new markets had to be found both for the fish, and for the produce usually purchased equally a render cargo after the fish had been sold. At the commencement of the 19th century it became apparent that wood could be imported cheaply from the Baltic, and with a earth in the process of rapid and continuing economic expansion more than and more than ships were needed.
The Channel Islands were in the very fortunate position of beingness able to ready their ain import dues, and yet pay no such dues on appurtenances going into United kingdom provided that they had been manufactured in the islands. The result of this privilege, which dated back to the Middle Ages, was to give Jersey shipbuilders a tremendous advantage over their English contemporaries. Ships were built here of the finest wood bachelor, and rigged with the best Russian hemp, and as Britain at this time was imposing a high import tariff on these materials, the Jersey-built ships could exist sold in England at a lower toll than English language-congenital ships on which lesser-form materials had been used. At that place was also, of course, a considerable demand from the many expanding local companies, and a new industry was soon established.
First shipyard
George Deslandes appears to accept ready the kickoff permanent yard in 1821, only in the side by side decade or so several others followed his example, and the number continued to increase until the 1860s, at which time there were 18 yards distributed around the coasts of the island. A map of the time shows altogether the sites of 26 yards, but it must be understood that these were not all in existence at i and the same time. They all announced at some time or other during the 19th century, but xviii was the highest number operating at any once. Iii ropeyard sites are besides shown, at St Aubin, Kensington Place, and Havre des Pas. These were, of grade, an essential function of the industry, while there were many sheet lofts, the majority in the Commercial Buildings area.
The shipyards situated on the e declension, in Grouville and St Catherine's Bays, were small, and were ready to cater for the needs of the oyster-fishery which operated from Gorey. Their output consisted almost entirely of Cutters, with occasionally a small Schooner, but they were prepared to carry out a larger order if necessary. Picot, for instance, congenital at to the lowest degree i Brig and a Barque in improver to smaller vessels, only it was at Havre des Pas and in St Aubin'southward Bay that most of the bigger vessels were built. The yards there were quite extensive. The largest, F C Clarke, stretched from Kensington Identify to West Park Pavilion, correct across the area now bounded on the north by the Triangle Park. Other yards were situated all forth the shore as far as Commencement Belfry, and their sites are now largely buried nether Victoria Artery. Although Clarke's was the largest m, Daniel Le Vesconte and Co, at Offset Tower, concord the tape for the largest number of vessels on the stocks. In 1864 they had under construction at ane fourth dimension three ships (each of well-nigh 900 tons), two barques (500 and 300 tons), one brig (250 tons) and 2 schooner-brigs (each 15O tons).
The barque Wagoola, 550 tons, docked at Hobart with the ps Kangaroo in the background. Built 1856 Bailiwick of jersey. Owners: Redfern, Alexander and Co, registered London. Well known in the Hobart-London trade. Date of photograph circa 1875
Largest ship
The largest vessel e'er built in Bailiwick of jersey was the Rescue, (1,187 tons), and Miss Julia Marett mentions the Evening Star, of nearly 1,000 tons, congenital on the land adjoining the Bulwarks at St Aubin. This is described in the article as a 'clipper¬barque', an unusual term which I have not previously encountered, merely equally the vessel was employed on the Australian wool run, she was probably given a finer hull than usual, a clipper-hull, to enable her to compete with the fast vessels she was likely to run into in that trade.
At the outset of 1865 there were 34 vessels recorded as beingness on the stocks, with an estimated tonnage of 12,460, but of a sudden the whole industry collapsed. Only fifteen years afterward, even the laying-downwardly of the keel of a cutter was a affair for newspaper comment, and past 1890 nothing was left except for a couple of repair yards. This failure was almost entirely due to the rapid expansion of the steam-boat manufacture, coupled with the replacement of wooden hulls by fe. There are no facilities in Jersey for large-scale iron-foundry piece of work, and the cost of importing fe instead of forest was prohibitive. It is astonishing that the repercussions of such a rapid pass up in an industry were not catastrophic. Although at this period there were some substantial cyberbanking failures in the island, they appear to have been due to the overall decline in the sailing-ship industry, and the loss of the shipyards lonely does not seem to take had whatsoever major effect on the local economy.
Except for one or two of the merchants stores on the Esplanade and at St Aubin, which were originally congenital as role of these shipyards, a wooden pale in the sand here and there where a keel was laid down, and an occasional memory in the mind of a few old folk, nothing now remains.
Source: https://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/Jersey%27s_shipbuilding_industry
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